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Sunday 28 October 2012


It's nearly Halloween :)

I have spent the morning carving my Pumpkin and making Pumpkin and sweet potato soup!

The pumpkin carving was harder than I expected actually... but i think the results are good:

Now I just need it to get dark so I can light it up!

The pumpkin soup wasn't so hard.. Here's the recipe i used:


1 large sweet potato
An equal amount of pumpkin to sweet potato
1 onion
2 cloves of garlic
teaspoon of olive oil
200 ml of vegetable stock
1 tablespoon of milk
1 tablespoon of light Philadelphia

First I chopped up the onions and garlic and fried them in the olive oil for 3-5 minutes, until soft. Then I added the chopped up sweet potato and pumpkin and fried for a further 5 minutes. I then poured in the stock and left it to simmer for 15-20 minutes with the lid of the pan on, until the vegetables were mushy and easy to blend. Then I poured everything into a blender and whizzed it all up until completely smooth. Once this had been achieved I poured it back into the pan and added the cream cheese and milk to give a creamier texture. Bring the soup back up to the boil and serve with croutons and toasted pumpkin seeds.

Happy Halloween!
